Cousin Paislee (5 months old) and Austin (6 weeks old) getting ready to go shopping.
Austin--- you are 2 months old. Time has gone by so fast. I don't know what I would do without you. You bring so much joy to your dad and me. You crack me up. You are already love to play jokes with us. You are starting to laugh and I love it. I love when you get excited to see make my heart melt. You are my little tank. You can almost hold your head up by yourself. You don't like tummy you learned pretty fast how to roll over from belly to back. You were rolling over at 7 weeks! Slow down!! Austin you sleep so will sleep 8 hours straight at night and then will go back to sleep for 3 hours. You hate to take don't want to miss out on the fun. We went and visited your Grandparents, aunts and uncles and friends at 6 weeks old. We drove to utah and you handled it like a champ and slept the whole way. While we were there you were blessed by grandpa Kinsey.He gave a beautiful blessing. You had alot of support from family and friends on your special day. You looked so cute in your little tux. You had your 2 month check up and you did so great. They gave you 4 didnt know what to think about that. Your stats for this month --- 12 pds. 15 oz , 23 inches long. You were 75% across the board. I love you little man...thanks for letting me be your mom! I can't wait to see whats next!
Tausha, your little man is so cute! He looks so much like Bridger and that smile is to die for. I'm happy to see your sweet family is doing so well.